Getting Started
TMS 540 PowerPC 60X Microprocessor Support Instruction Manual
Connecting to a System Under Test
Before you connect to the SUT, you must connect the probes to the module.
Your SUT must also have a minimum amount of clear space surrounding the
microprocessor to accommodate the probe adapter. Refer to the Specifications
chapter in this manual for the required clearances.
The channel and clock probes shown in this chapter are for a 136-channel
module. The probes will look different if you are using a 192-channel module.
The general requirements and restrictions of microprocessor supports in the
information on basic operations shows the vertical dimensions of a channel or
clock probe connected to square pins on a circuit board.
This procedure requires contact lubricant and thermal joint compound. To
connect the logic analyzer to a SUT using a QFP probe adapter and PGA-to-QFP
converter clip, follow these steps:
1. Turn off power to your SUT. It is not necessary to turn off the logic analyzer.
Static discharge can damage the microprocessor, the probe adapter,
the acquisition probes, or the module. To prevent static damage, handle all the
above only in a static-free environment.
Always wear a grounding wrist strap or similar device while handling the
microprocessor and probe adapter.
2. To discharge your stored static electricity, touch the ground connector located
on the back of the logic analyzer. Then, touch the black foam on the
underside of the probe adapter to discharge stored static electricity from the
probe adapter.
Failure to place the SUT on a horizontal surface before connecting the
probe adapter might permanently damage the pins on the microprocessor.
3. Place the SUT on a horizontal surface.
4. Use a magnifying glass to examine the pins of the microprocessor soldered
into the SUT. Check for the following characteristics:
a. The pins are cleanly soldered to the board without excess solder or
b. The bends of the pins are uniform (consistent and even).
5. Apply contact lubricant to the pins of the converter clip to improve the
connection to the microprocessor.
MPC601, PPC601,
MPC603, and PPC603
Converter Clips