Getting Acquainted with Your Instrument
Getting Help
The application includes a comprehensive Online help system. You access Online help using the following methods:
Online help element
Help button. Located at the top right of the screen, this button is available all the time. Tap this
button to display a help topic that is relevant to the current measurement screen.
If the current screen is not context-sensitive, the application opens the Online help at the main help
menu. Use the index link, or do a word search, to locate speci
c information.
Help link text. On measurement screens, underlined blue text is help link text. Bold help link text at
the top of a measurement screen opens a topic describing how to take that measurement. Help
link text that is located next to a measurement or setting opens a topic relevant to that particular
measurement or setting.
Contents Index
Online help Content and Index links. Every Online help topic includes a Contents and Index link.
If the topic does not contain the information you were seeking, use these links to locate speci
Tab or dialog box help button. This button is displayed at the bottom of many setup tabs or dialog
boxes, and opens an Online help topic relevant to that tab or dialog box.
RF Scout Quick Start User Manual