P6F40-B5 User’s Manual
P6F40-B5 User’s Manual
Base Memory
is the amount of conventional memory installed in the system. This value is
typically 640K for systems with 640K or more memory installed on the motherboard. The
Extended Memory
is the amount of memory located above 1MB in the CPU's memory
address map.
Other Memory
refers to the memory located in the region between 640K and
1MB. This region can be used for
as well as
expanded memory
in DOS.
This menu provides access to more advanced BIOS configuration settings that deal with
overall performance of the system and peripheral setup. This section allows you to configure
your system for basic operation. You have the opportunity to select the system’s default
speed, boot-up sequence, keyboard operation, shadowing and security.
Virus Warning
: Disabled
Video BIOS Shadow
: Enabled
CPU L1 Cache
: Enabled
C8000-CBFFF Shadow
: Disabled
CPU L2 Cache
: Enabled
CC000-CFFFF Shadow
: Disabled
Quick Power On Self Test
: Enabled
D0000-D3FFF Shadow
: Disabled
Hard Disk Boot From
: Pri-IDE
D4000-D7FFF Shadow
: Disabled
System Boot Sequence
: C, A
D8000-DBFFF Shadow
: Disabled
Swap Floppy Drive
: Disabled
DC000-DFFFF Shadow
: Disabled
Boot Up Floppy Seek
: Disabled
Floppy Disk Access Control
: R/W
Boot Up NumLock Status
: On
Boot Up System Speed
: High
Typematic Rate Setting
: Disabled
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
: 6
Typematic Delay (Msec)
: 250
Security Option
: System
ESC : Quit
: Select
PCI / VGA Palette Snoop
: Disabled
F1 : Help PU/PD/+/- : Mod
Assign PCI IRQ For VGA
: Disabled
F5 : Old Values (Shift) F2 : Color
OS/2 Onboard Memory > 64MB
: Non-OS2
F6 : Load BIOS Defaults
F7 : Load Setup Defaults
Virus Warning -
When enabled, the BIOS will warn the user when any program attempts
to write to or format the boot sector. If an
attempt is made, the BIOS will halt the
system and the following error message
will appear:
You can accept or abort this operation.
This feature is designed to guard against viruses that modify the boot sector on hard
disks. However, many disk diagnostic programs which attempt to access the boot sector
table, as well as partition and format programs, will also trigger this warning. If you will be
running such a program, you can disable Virus Protection first, or choose “Y” to accept the
boot sector modification when this message shows up.
Disk boot sector is to be modified
Type "Y" to accept write or "N" to abort write
Award Software, Inc.