BA_Airfilter Mini_151210_GB.doc
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8 Fault and error search
No suction output
(fumes/gases are not
being extracted).
Air intake hose not connected to
the Airfilter.
Connect air intake hose to the
Air intake hose not connected to
the machine.
Connect air intake hose to the
industrial laser.
Damage to the air intake hose.
Replace air intake hose.
Air intake hose is connected to the
wrong machine.
Connect air intake hose to the
correct machine.
Air intake hose is connected to the
wrong point of entry (opening) of
the machine.
Connect air intake hose to the
right point of entry (opening) of
the machine.
Air intake channel blocked.
Check air intake channel, if
necessary correct error found.
Clean gas channel blocked.
Check clean gas channel, if
necessary correct error found.
Suction output too low
(fumes/gases are hard-
ly being extracted).
Filter package full.
Replace filter package, dis-
pose of old filter properly!
Damage to the air intake hose.
Replace air intake hose.
Air intake hose not correctly
connected to the Airfilter.
Check fitting of the air intake
hose to the Airfilter, if applica-
ble reinsert into air intake
Air intake hose not correctly
connected to the machine.
Check fitting of the air intake
hose to the machine if neces-
sary reconnect.
Clean gas channel too narrow.
Check clean gas channel, if
necessary correct error found.
Air intake hose is connected to the
wrong point of entry (opening) on
the machine.
Connect air intake hose to the
right point of entry (opening)
on the machine.
Air intake channel too narrow.
Check air intake channel, if
necessary correct error found.
Error on the Airfilter.
Contact TEKA GmbH, if nec-
essary return Airfilter.
Airfilter is not running.
Plug connection power supply not
or wrongly plugged in.
Check/correctly plug in plug
connection power supply.
No power on the socket.
Check mains, if necessary cor-
rect error.
Connection cable for external
control not or wrongly plugged in.
Check connection cable for ex-
ternal control, if necessary
plug in correctly.