User Guide - 2.21 App
Teenage Engineering
– User Guide (LD)
Janvier 2019
2.21.8 Devices
if you have multiple
OP-Z devices available
you can browse them
and select which one
to connect to the app
If your app is too old to work with the
firmware of an available OP-Z you will get an
option to upgrade the app. If the firmware
is too old, visit the download page for
instructions on how to upgrade your OP-Z
2.21.9 MIDI setup
Here you can tweak the
midi connectivity
settings of your OP-Z
Select a parameter
indicator and use the
touch pad to edit the
midi control change
number it sends out
Tap the + and – buttons
to edit the midi channel
used by this track
Toggle the global midi
settings by tapping
these boxes.
Refer to the midi
reference section for
detailed descriptions of
these settings
This very guide conveniently available inside the app.
An internet connection is needed to access the guide.
Video out
The OP-Z app supports
external displays over the
iOS lightning to hdmi
adapter. Simply connect the
adapter to your iOS device
and run an hdmi cable from
the adapter to an external
display or projector
automatically render to the external
display. The app user interface stays
on the iOS device screen