Chapter 6 FBD Block Diagram Programming
Counter Mode 3(Fixed Count, Retentive)
Mode 3 Counter operation is similar to Mode 1 except its current count value is retentive when Counter powers down. So, t
current value won’t be init value when Counter powers up, but be the value when it powering down.
Mode 3 Counter
will count up to a fixed preset value and stop counting at that value, or stop counting when its current value is 0 if it’s configured as
down counter.
FBD display
Parameter display
Counting Input
Up/Down Counting
Current value
Preset value
Counting Parameter
Note: The “PD” means the current value will be retain until the power recover
This mode is similar to mode 1, but:
First 31 Counter functions (C01~C1F) can keep their current value after a loss of power to the smart relay.
The current counter value will keep when the smart switches between RUN and STOP if C-keep is active.
Counter Mode 4(Continuous Count, Retentive)
Mode 4 Counter operation is similar to Mode 2 except its current count value is retentive. The current count value is
retentive and will keep its current count after a loss of power to the smart relay. Mode 4 Counter will count up to a fixed
preset value and then continue counting after the preset value, but it won’t count when the current value equals 0 if it’s
configured as down Counter.
FBD display
Parameter display
Counting Input
Up/Down Counting
Current value
Preset value
Counting Parameter
Note: The “>”means the current value appeared will be greater than present value;
The “PD” means the current value will be retain until the power recover
This mode is similar to mode 2, but:
First 31 Counter functions (C01~C1F) can keep their current value after a loss of power to the smart relay.
The current counter value will be kept when the smart switches between RUN and STOP if “C-keep” is active.
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