Technosoft 2021
iPOS4803-SY Multi Axis System, EtherCAT Technical Reference
3.12 Disabling the setup table at startup
3.12.1 Disabling the setup table at startup
In some very rare cases, the setup table might be corrupted, causing the drive to reset continuously. This state can be
noticed by seeing both the Ready and Error LED blinking for short periods of time continuously.
To recover from this state, the setup table must be invalidated by connecting all digital Hall inputs to GND.
On the next power on, the drive will load the default settings and set bit 2 from Motion Error Register – “Invalid Setup
Data ”. After a new valid setup table is loaded onto the drive, disconnect the hall sensors from GND and execute a
new power off/ power on cycle.
Figure 22
onnection during power-on to invalidate the Setup table for iPOS4803-SY
3.13 Axis ID Selection for CAT drives
The iPOS4803-SY Multi Axis System support all EtherCAT standard addressing modes. In case of device addressing
mode based on node address, the iPOS4803-SY Multi Axis System drives sets the EtherCAT register called
configured station alias
address” with its AxisID value. The AxisID can be changed to a value between 1 and 255
using EasySetUp or EasyMotion Studio from the “Drive Setup” dialogue.
The AxisID on iPOS4803-SY3 (
) and iPOS4803-SY4 (
) can be set also by hardware
with the SW2 and SW3 switches.
Figure 23
Axis ID switches for EtherCAT
Not supported for iPOS4803-SY4 with the part number P020.200.P404