"lower level" functions (i.e., closer to hardware) than the IPoA interface.
Peer IP Address:
The IP address of the remote computer you will be connecting to via the
WAN interface.
Config IP Address and Net Mask:
The IP address and network mask you want to assign to
the interface.
Gateway Address:
The external IP address that the ADSL/Ethernet router communicates with
via the IPoA interface to gain access to the Internet. This is typically an ISP server.
A green or red ball will display to indicate that the interface is currently up or down,
respectively. You cannot manually enable or disable the interface; a down interface may
indicate a problem with the DSL connection or with the remote peer computer.
5.4.6 ADSL
This page is used to configure ADSL Configuration.
Annex Mode Config:
You can choose 2 options
Automatic and User selected.
User Selected Annex Mode:
User Selected
is selected in Annex Mode Config section,
this section can be enabled. You can choose
Annex A
Annex B
Annex C
You can enable and disable Trellis option.
Handshake Protocol:
You can choose Handshake protocol depend on your ISP settings.
Bit Swapping:
You can enable and disable Bit Swapping option.