Product description
reader modules (125 kHz readers with an embedded single door controller)
are designed for connection to the RS 485 bus of the
APS mini Plus
access control system,
or for standalone operation. It is possible to connect up to 32 reader modules to a single line
of the APS mini Plus system. In effect the number of lines is not limited.
The reader module can be used for a simple IDS control.
2.1 MREP 78 module
The reader module (
pic. 1
a) is intended for wall-mounting in both indoor and
outdoor environment.
2.2 MREP 78X module
The reader module (
pic. 1b
) is designed for installation in Xolid
entry panels of BPT audio and video system, where it occupies
space of a single module.
2.3 MREP 78E module
The reader module (pic. 1c) is designed for OEM applications, supplied as
PCB. The module is designated for customers’ own installation boxes.
Commercial designation of available versions is described in
table 1
Pic. 1b: MREP 78X
Pic. 1a: MREP 78
Pic. 1c: MREP 78E