cancel all the alarm setting include Shock Alarm / Move Alarm / Geo-fence Alarm / Over Speed Alarm,
if the password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send back information “Wrong
11. Monitor Sound in Car
Send SMS “MONITOR*123456*13987654321” to tracker, “MONITOR” is a command, “123456”
is password, “13987654321” is the number that the tracker will call back, if the operation is success,
the tracker will call back immediately to the number you set (13987654321), user pick up the call and
then can hear the voice in car. If the password is not right, the operation is fault; the tracker will send
back information “Wrong Password”.
Platform Operation
The platform operation please refer the platform operation guide, scan the following QR code or click the
website link to download the platform manual, visit website
and click the Manual icon
also can download the platform manual.
Platform User Guide Word Version
Platform User Guide Word Version
iPhone iOS App Download & Install
Android App Download & Install
1. This tracker use 2G GSM network, and it upload tracking only through 2G GPRS, it cannot work in
CDMA network or 3G (WCDMA or CDMA2000) network, Some 3G card can work in 2G GSM network, then
this kind of 3G SIM card can be used in this tracker, please call mobile phone company to confirm the SIM