Technical Manualе
PRIZRAK-510, 520 v7
Description of the security system
Differences between security systems:
PRIZRAK-510 – wire engine locking
PRIZRAK-520 – wireless engine locking.
Functions of the Immobilizer:
Protecting the vehicle from being stolen or hijacked
Alert if the vehicle was tampered with
Integrator (www.tec-integrator.com) contains information about
compatibility of the Immobilizer with a specific vehicle, and a list of
vehicles compatible with the Immobilizer and specific features.
Programming button
— one of the factory (default) buttons, with
which the Immobilizer can be programmed (buttons specific to the
vehicle can be found in the Integrator). Programmable button can be
changed only within short time after installation of the Immobilizer.
Also built in button can be used as programming button. (please see
“Immobilizer wiring diagram”).
— is a state of the Immobilizer, which is turned on after
locking the doors in any way provided by the manufacturer of the
vehicle (keyless entry system, remote control, rearming the alarm
etc.) and turning factory security system. Secure state can be left
by unlocking the doors with the original remote control or vehicles
keyless access system or by entering the PIN code.
Speed control
allows setting the locking activation algorithm for
Immobilizer and AntiHiJack features. Speed control can be activated
and de-activated in user settings programming menu. Certain vehicles
may not support this feature (please see Integrator for details).
Guard mode
— active state of the
and AntiHiJack: if
one of these functions has entered guard mode, to leave it it is required
pass authentication procedure, otherwise engine will be locked.
Comfort feature
— feature allowing not only to lock doors from the
factory remote, but also to raise windows (sunroof also can be closed).
Immobilizer feature
is a feature designed to prevent vehicle from being
stolen from parking space.
goes into effect if ignition
was switched off for more than 3 seconds. If PIN
feature is
enabled and active it requires PIN code to be deactivated, otherwise
engine will be locked:
Engine will be switched off on attempt to move if speed control
is enabled and supported by the vehicle
The engine will be turned off within 5 seconds after the ignition
has been turned on if the Speed control is disabled or not supported
by the vehicle.
AntiHiJack feature
is the function that prevents the vehicle from being
hijacked or stolen from the parking area. AntiHiJack enters the Guard
mode in the following cases:
The ignition was turned off for longer than 3 seconds
(including a case when Immobilizer is off; if the Immobilizer
was switched on, the Immobilizer will follow its algorithms)
The driver’s door was opened.
Upon entering the Guard mode, AntiHiJack feature goes through a
series of phases, and in case if the Guard mode was not deactivated,
the feature will activate the engine lock.
Phases change only when the ignition is on. When the ignition has
been turned off, the Immobilizer saves the current condition, and will
continue the feature operation when the ignition is back on.
The Guard mode of the AntiHiJack feature can be deactivated at
any step by entering the PIN code.
The Guard mode phases are as follows:
Idle phase
Warning phase
Locking phase
Idle phase.
In this phase AntiHiJack follows two different algorithms
depending on the availability of Speed control. If the Speed control is
available, AntiHiJack waits until the vehicle covers a set distance from
the moment of Guard mode activation Upon that, AntiHiJack goes into
the Warning phase. If the Speed control is not available, Idle phase
consists of three stages:
Waiting for the driver’s door to be closed
Waiting for preset amount of brake presses to be made
Pause before going to warning phase.
Warning phase consists of two steps:
Warning the driver with the trill that they have to enter PIN
Warning other drivers on the road of the possible hazardous
situation due to the upcoming engine locking (10 seconds). It
is carried out by vehicle hazard lights. Driver warning is still on.
Locking phase.
The engine lock is activated, the siren is turned
on, and the hazard lights are activated. The siren and hazard lights
will switch off in 15 seconds. AntiHiJack will be in locking phase until a
new PIN code verification.
If «Safe stop» is enabled engine will be locked only if speed is
lower then 30 km/h or on complete stop (depends on the settings of
the safe stop).
Table of Content
Description of the Immobilizer
.......................................................... 2
Introduction ....................................................................................... 2
Terms ................................................................................................. 2
Immobilizer feature ............................................................................. 2
AntiHiJack feature ............................................................................... 2
PIN code entering sequence ................................................................ 3
PUK code ............................................................................................ 3
Maintenance mode .............................................................................. 3
Automatic deactivation of Maintenance mode ....................................... 3
Other options ..................................................................................... 3
.......................................................................................... 4
Table1 Assignment of immobilizer connector pins ................................. 4
Immobilizer pin connectors’ description ............................................... 4
pLine-221 description and installation guidelines .................................. 4
Table 2 Relay outputs description ........................................................ 4
Immobilizer programming
............................................................. 5
Stage 1. Immobilizer interfacing with vehicle ........................................ 5
Stage 2. Immobilizer configuration programming .................................. 6
Table3 Programming menu .................................................................. 6
Menu 1 Hardware settings configuration .............................................. 6
Menu 1.2 Configuration of programmable inputs / outputs .................... 6
Table4 Immobilizer Programmable Output Functions ............................ 7
Table5 Immobilizer Programmable Input Functions ............................... 7
User Settings Configuration ................................................................. 9
Menu 2. User settings ......................................................................... 9
Changing PIN code ............................................................................. 9
Reassigning Programming Button ........................................................ 9
Examples of programming ................................................................. 10
Resetting to factory default settings .................................................. 10
Immobilizer wiring diagram ............................................................... 11
Immobilizer units arrangement in the vehicle
............................... 12
Standard scope of delivery
.............................................................. 13
Specifications and operating conditions
........................................ 13
Table of contents
Description of the Immobilizer