6-1-2. Remote Sense/TEDS
The signal input terminals (1 and 2) can be used as either
remote sense terminals or TEDS sensor data terminals.
You need to set the terminals to one of the available settings
before connecting a sensor to the TD-260T.
1. Enter the setup screen number F2-6.
Press twice
Press 3 times
2. To change the setting, press
The following three settings are available.
0.Aut: TEDS auto-calibration (disable remote sense)
If the currently connected TEDS transducer is
recognized as a transducer different from the one
used for last calibration, calibration is automatically
performed when you turn the TD-260T on.
1.tEd: Enable TEDS (disable remote sense)
You need to manually perform TEDS calibration.
2.rSE: Enable remote sense (disable TEDS)
You need to connect a 6-wire sensor.
3. To save the selection, press ENTER, and then to exit
the setup mode, press ESC.
To save, press:
If you want to use a 6-wire connection (for remote sensing),
be sure to select 2.rSE to enable remote sense and disable
TEDS before connecting a sensor.
Connecting a TEDS sensor with this setting may damage
the sensor and the TD-260T.
The initial setting is 0.Aut: TEDS auto-calibration (disable
remote sense).
If you use neither remote sense nor TEDS sensor, be sure to
select 0.Aut: TEDS auto-calibration.
6. Calibration