Pocket SuperEASY™
Atterbury Consultants, Inc
Accessing Table Files
Pocket SuperEASY™ stores five reference tables for data entry and plot
tree editing. The tables are Species, Sort, Grade, Slope, Aspect and
Defaults. Pocket SuperEASY™ comes preloaded with standard
Westside Species, Sort and Grade tables. The tables are accessible
from the Project Screen and the Cruise Screen. From the Project
Screen, tap on the
option at the bottom of the screen. From the
Cruise Screen, tap on the
option at the bottom of the screen. The
Species, Sort and Grade tables can be transferred directly from
SuperACE™. The Slope, Aspect, and Default tables are edited directly
in Pocket SuperEASY™. The Slope and Aspect tables hold the user
defined values that will be utilized in the Plot Screen for slope and aspect
coding. The Defaults table holds settings for showing or hiding fields in
the cruise screen. It also can store pre-assigned BAF values for the B1
thru B5 prism factor values that will be utilized for a cruise project. This
will help ensure that all the cruisers working on the same project will use
the same BAF values.
Project Screen
Cruise Screen
It is recommended that the user create the Species, Sort and Grade
tables in SuperACE™ and then transfer the tables to Pocket
SuperEASY™. The cruiser can edit the tables in the field if it is
discovered that the tables need edit changes during a cruise.