Pocket SuperEASY™
Atterbury Consultants, Inc
– Plot Factor or Prism Factor (
). A two digit alphanumeric
field. When a two digit number is entered, the field is a Prism Factor or
Basal Area Factor ( i.e. 20 equals a 20 BAF). If a decimal value is used
for a prism factor then a B1, B2, B3, B4 or B5 is entered with the prism
factor value defined in the type master screen (i.e. B1 is entered in the
PF column and 33.61 is entered next to B1 in the type master screen). A
letter followed by a number (i.e. F1, R1 or S1) is referring to a Plot Factor
in the type master screen. These refer to various sampling systems and
plot sizes. If a cruiser requires that a tree be treated as a 100% cruise
tree on a cruise plot, enter the tree on a plot with the plot number
preceded by a dash (-).
Up to 5 options for each sampling system can be used:
-Age (
): A one digit numeric field for age code. The age in
years is input on the cruise master screen. Default age is code 1. Up to
nine ages can be input per type. Age is used for calculating the tree
form, bark factors, growth, and for age class reports. If no age is
assigned, then a default age of 50 is used for volume calculations.
– Species (
): A three digit alpha/numeric field is provided
for species. The numbers or letters must match the species table.
– Status (
): A one digit alpha/numeric field. Status is used to
indicate dead trees, cut/leave, blowdown trees, etc.
Tr Ct
– Tree Count (
): A two digit numeric field is provided for
tree count.
– Diameter Breast Height: This field is required when cruising
volume plots and optional when cruising count and regeneration plots.
DBH is a four digit numeric field, including the decimal point, is provided
for diameter. This diameter is measured four feet or 1.3 meters above
the stump outside the bark. Diameters less than 99.9 inches can be
input to the nearest tenth inch. Trees larger than 100 inches are input to
the nearest inch.
– Form Point (
): A two digit numeric field is provided for
form point. Form point is where Form Factor is measured and/or where
the tree taken “in” with a BAF. If form point is defined as four feet, the
program will automatically use a point on the bole at 16 feet to calculate
Form Factor. Form point can be varied for each tree if needed.
– Form Factor (
required for FP other than 4’
): A two digit numeric
code. Form factor is the percent relationship of the outside bark
diameter at Form Point (16 feet) divided by the DBH.
– Top Diameter (
required for measure plots
): A one digit
alpha/numeric field. Top diameter is the diameter outside the bark at the
top of the bole. This is entered as a single digit percent value of the