shows are unblocked. When the kids return, select
Enable parental controls
again, and all of your
parental control settings are restored in a single operation.
To enable parental control of TV shows:
In the Home screen menu, navigate to
Settings > Parental controls
, and then enter your
parental control PIN.
In the
Parental controls
screen, navigate to
TV tuner > Parental control of TV shows
Make sure the check box next to
Enable parental controls
is checked. If not, highlight it and
Blocking based on US TV ratings
Most broadcast US TV shows—other than movies—contain rating data that enables parental controls to
block shows that parents don’t want others to view. The ratings are divided into two groups that
function independently:
Youth group
– TV-Y, TV-Y7
Main group
– TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14, TV-MA
Within each of these groups, the ratings interact such that if you block a particular level of content, the
TV also blocks all content with a higher rating. Conversely, if you unblock a particular level of content,
the TV also unblocks all content with a lower rating. For example, if you block TV-PG programs, the TV
also blocks TV-14 and TV-MA programs. If you subsequently unblock TV-14 programs, TV-PG programs
are also unblocked, but TV-MA programs remain blocked.
Similarly, within the main group, content types can be individually blocked. For example, you can block
just coarse language in shows with a TV-PG rating. If you do, then the TV also blocks shows with coarse
language in the higher ratings (TV-14 and TV-MA). Subsequently unblocking coarse language in TV-14
ratings does not unblock coarse language in TV-MA programs, but it does unblock coarse language in TV-
PG programs.