Device Management > ONVIF
The BC840-MC supports the ONVIF standard. On the ONVIF tab, you can enable ONVIF
compatibility and ONVIF discovery.
Enable ONVIF
Enables the ONVIF interface on the BC840-MC.
Enable ONVIF
Makes the BC840-MC discoverable for ONVIF clients. Clear this
check box if you prefer to disable discovery. In that case, the
BC840-MC can still be controlled from ONVIF clients that "know" of
its existence.
Note on ONVIF: The Open Network Video Interface Forum (ONVIF) is a global and open
CCTV/security industry forum which aims to increase interoperability of cameras, codecs,
and VMS and similar systems of different brands and manufacturers by standardising the
discovery, management, control and other interfaces between them. The ONVIF architecture
is largely built on top of web services. Web services typically use the HTTP protocol to
exchange XML messages according to the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) standard. A
standardised API is defined between server and client devices. ONVIF defines an NVT
(Network Video Transmitter) to model the server side (that is, codecs and cameras) and an
NVC (Network Video Controller) to model the client side (that is, VMS systems and the like).
The communication between NVC and NVT is standardised by the ONVIF core specification
document and the API is formally defined by making use of WSDL (Web Service Description
Language) files.
Device Management > FTP/Telnet
Device Management