Clip file names are created automatically using UTC date/time information and the device
SD card
You can check the SD card storage capacity through the Status page (see the Measurements
tab). Note that the storage capacity available for edge recording is limited to 75% of the
actual SD card size - that is, for example, 24 GB of a 32 GB SD card. This limit is to prevent
slow read/write speeds.>
Important: We advise to use high-grade, highly-durable SD cards. Note that SD cards are
limited to the number of write cycles ranging from 1000 (off-the-shelf high-grade card MLC
or TLC NAND) to 100.000 (4 GB industrial SLC NAND). Intensive usage will eventually wear
out the card.
The number of write cycles times the capacity of the SD card gives you the total amount of
data that can be written to the card in its life time. A 32 GB microSDHC with 2000 write
cycles, for example, can write 64 TB before it should be replaced.
When the SD card is full, recording stops and a message is sent to the syslog (for a
description of the syslog function, see Device Management).
Warning: Powering down or rebooting the BC840-MC, or insertion into an operational unit
erases all content on the SD card! Clips will be irretrievably lost.
Edge recording