Order nr. Model Weight Dimensions Sound level Cooling power Fan Volume
1 meter of 25mm PE piping has a volume of 0,35ltr
1 meter of 32mm PE piping has a volume of 0,60ltr
A 15000pro3 high capacity (HC) on 1 x 17KW and a total pipe length of 100mtr x 32mm =
8.6 ltr + 11ltr + (100x 0.6ltr=60ltr) = 79.6ltr total volume. You need 16ltr of glycol to make a 20%
glycol/water mix.
When adding glycol to an empty system, use a pump to add the calculated amount of glycol, then
top-up the system with water until the static pressure is 1.5bar.
When adding glycol to system that is already pressurised and full with water, remove more water
than the amount of glycol you want to add, add the calculated amount of glycol and top-up with
water until the static pressure of the system is 1.5bar.
Note: -
-Pure water cools better than a glycol/water mix
-A water glycol mix prevents corrosion
-Use an automotive antifreeze tester and a sample of the glycol/water mix to check the freezing-
point of the mix. Make sure the mix is correct for weather conditions in your area.
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