-Setting up fully automatic controlled Fan/pump control
A maxi-controller evo in combination with a fan-aux-box is used to control pump on/off and
fanspeed. The controller recieves 2 signals from 2 sensors: temperature sensor to determen water
temperature in the system and a current transformer to determen or the compressor inside the
opticlimate is on or off.
Connecting the current transformer:
On/off model Opticlimate Inverter model Opticlimate
When using an on/off model Opticlimate, find the cable that powers the compressor coming from
relays KM1. Cable code U,V or W.
When using an inverter model Opticlimate, find the cable that powers the inverter PCB or
compressor. The current clamp can be opened to clamp around the cable. Plug the other end into the
controller. The cable is labeled CO2 or T-spot. A current transformer labeled CO2 must be
connected to the controller CO2 port. A current transformer labeled T-spot must be connected to the
INFRARED port of the controller.
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