The stock standoffs are made from brass to keep money in your pockets or rainy day funds. For the serious
weight aficionado, aluminum-gold based standoffs are available. They will shed around 12g off the total AUW,
while improving conductivity and thus the maximum power throughput.
Further optimization can be done by using conformal coating on the PCB surface, to protect your ESCs against
the elements. Be sure to add tape to all parts that need to remain exposed, such as the standoff holes, any
sockets, pin headers or connectors. Weatherproofing your setup can substantially increase its life-time,
especially in winter or when flying over wet grass or in industrial areas with metallic trash lying around that
could short out components.
Carbon burnt
Check for electrical short, specially the motor phases shorted to Frame. Motor mounting screws too
long so that they screwed up into the motor windings?