APX-03 Keypad & Proximity Reader Installation Instructions
The APX03 Keypad & Proximity Reader is a self contained stand alone unit suitable for Internal or sheltered
External installations in Low risk areas of a building. The unit provides access control for authorised persons allowing entry with
either a valid 4 digit Code, Proximity fob or Proximity fob & common 4 digit Code number.
The unit is programmed by using a Master proximity fob and the 16 button keypad.
Up to five 4 digit Codes can be added and 12,000 Proximity fobs (split into 20 groups of 600). Each group of fobs can also be
allocated a common 4 digit code.
There is also an optional Door Bell button which can be connected to a 12v DC Bell or Sounder.
There are 2 Relay outputs both rated up to 12v DC @ 1amps Max. On the front of the unit there are 3 indication lights which
illuminate during Operation and Programming along with an audible sounder/buzzer.
Important points:-
Installation MUST be done by a Qualified Electrician/Installation Engineer and comply with current Standards & Legislation.
The APX-03 must be connected to a Regulated 12v DC Power Supply with Minimum Load rated @ 1amp.
The Maximum load on either Relay Must Not exeed 1amp (use seperate relay if above 1amp).
The Capacitor 474J 100JS must be fitted accross the Lock connections to protect the Keypad from damage.
Ensure there is a gap of at least 50cm(20") when fitting more than 1 unit to prevent interference.
Before powering up the unit ensure you have read the 'Initial Power Up' instructions and have the lowest number Fob ready.
There are 3 modes of operation:- Mode 1: 4 Digit Code only - Mode 2: Fob only - Mode 3: Fob + 4 Digit Group Code.
When Programming the unit ensure you don't have any Fobs in your hand while pressing the buttons.
The Master Fob MUST be kept in a safe location after installation and Programming is done.
Pre-wired Cable Colour connections:-
RED = 12v DC + Input. BLACK = 12v DC - Input. YELLOW = Lock Relay Common. GREEN = Lock Relay Normally Closed.
BROWN = Lock Relay Normally Open. ORANGE = 2nd Relay Common. PURPLE = 2nd Relay Normally Closed.
GREY = 2nd Relay Normally Open. WHITE = Exit Button trigger. BLUE = Exit Button ground.
Fixing Instructions:-
1. Decide on the position of the keypad taking the following points into consideration:- Keypad must be fixed to a flat and
level surface. The recommended fixing height is 1-1.5 metres from the floor. If fixing more than 1 keypad ensure there is a
gap of at least 50cm(20") to avoid interference. Do NOT fit the Keypad in exposed external or High risk applications.
2. Fix the Surface Box - using the surface box as a template mark the 4 fixing holes and cable entry hole, drill holes and fit
suitable wall plugs and fix using the 4 x 40mm(1.5") screws provided.
3. Position a Regulated 12v DC Power Supply (Min.1A Load) within 20 metres of the Keypad. Fix as per the Manufacturer's
instructions and run a 2 core 1mm2 cable to the Keypad connecting the RED wire to + and BLACK wire to - as shown on
the wiring detail. (DO NOT SWITCH THE POWER ON).
4. Fit the Electronic Locking Device as per the Manufacturer's instructions and run a 2 core 1mm2 cable to the Keypad.
Ensure the Capacitor 474J 100JS is fitted accross the + & - connections at the Lock. Connect Negative of the Lock to the
BLACK wire and Positive to the GREEN wire for Fail Locked or BROWN wire for Fail Unlocked (Only connect one Colour)
also link the YELLOW wire to the RED wire at the keypad as shown on the wiring detail (see Fig 1 or 2 on page 2).
NOTE: Lock must have a current draw of less than 1amp. (see page 3 Fig.3 for wiring a Lock current draw 1amp or over).
5. Exit Button (Optional) - Fit the Exit Button as per the Manufacturer's instructions and run a 2 core 1mm2 cable to the
keypad. Ensure the Common and Normally Open connections are used and connect the BLUE wire to Common and
WHITE wire to Normally Open (see page 2 Fig.1 or Fig.2).
6. Door Bell (Optional) - Fit the Bell/Sounder as per Manufacturer's instructions and run a 2 core 1mm2 cable to the Keypad.
Connect Positive of the Bell/Sounder to the GREY wire and Negative of the sounder to the BLACK wire also link the
ORANGE wire to the RED wire at the keypad as shown on the wiring detail (see page 3 Fig.4).
NOTE: Ensure the Bell/Sounder current draw is less than 1amp.
7. Cut down and Insulate any unused wires and Fix the Keypad/Reader to the surface box using 2 x 16mm(5/8") screws
provided. Fit the Black plastic trim cover onto the front of the unit.
IMPORTANT: Before applying power to the unit you must read and understand the Initial power up instructions on page 4
and ensure you have the Fob with the lowest number ready to be programmed as the Master Fob.
Web: www.tatecolson.co.uk E-mail:[email protected] Tel: 01704-502801 Fax: 01704-502810