APX-03 Keypad & Proximity Reader Programming Instructions
Initial Power up
On initial power up of the Keypad the Error, OK and Power indicators will light up. Wait for 3 long Bleeps, then a
short Bleep followed by the Error and OK lights flashing. Within 10 seconds present the Fob you want to set as
the "Master" in front of the buttons. A long bleep will sound to confirm the Fob is programmed as the "Master".
Important Note: The Fob with the lowest number must be used as the "Master" Fob and clearly marked as
"MASTER" . It must also be kept in a safe place for future use after the system is Programmed.
If the Master Fob is lost you will have to add a new one as shown on page 8.
If the keypad does not respond
with 3 bleeps you will need to follow instructions for Adding a Master fob when original is lost as shown on page 8.
Key to Indicators: = Error. = OK. = Power.
The APX03 Keypad can be programmed to operate in 3 different modes:-
Mode 1 - 4 Digit Code only
Mode 2 - Fob only
Mode 3 - Fob + 4 Digit Group Code
Any or all three of the above modes can be used at the same time as long as the Fobs for mode 3 are set in to a
different Group to the Fobs for mode 2. When Fobs are added they must be programmed as a group of consecutive
numbers. If you have several batches of consecutive numbered Fobs each batch must be programmed into a
different Group number. Ensure the Codes and Fob numbers are written on the System Record Sheet (Page 9&10)
Important Note: When pressing the buttons during programming ensure you do not have any Fobs in your
hand or within 15cm of the Keypad as this will not allow the unit to be programmed correctly.
If the wrong information is entered the Error indicator will flash once along with a low tone bleep then the
keypad will return to the beginning of programming and the Power indicator will flash. Re-enter the
Function code number and continue to enter the programming information.
Note: Before any programming can be done you must put the keypad into Programming Mode:-
1 Enter Function code 2 then EN
Error and OK indicators flash
2 Present Master Fob
Present Master Fob
Short Bleep and OK indicator flashes
3 Enter Master code then EN
1234 EN
Long bleep and Power indicator flashes
Note: The Default Master Code is 1234. We recommend this is changed after programming (see page 7).
To Enter programming mode:
MODE 1 - 4 Digit User Code only - Up to 5 Codes can be programmed
Note: To Delete a User code follow above programming but enter "0000" instead of the user code.
2 Enter Function code 46 then EN
OK indicator flashes
3 Enter Slot No.(01 to 05) then EN
01 EN
OK indicator flashes
4 Enter new 4 digit User Code then EN:
4321 EN
OK indicator flashes
5 Re-Enter new User Code then EN:
4321 EN
Long Bleep and Power indicator flashes
6 Exit Programming Mode:
Long Bleep and OK indicator flashes once
Enter into Programming mode as above
To Add a 4 Digit User code:
Code Operation: To use the code press CLR button (OK indicator flashes) - enter 4 digit code then EN.
Example: CLR - 4321 - EN. If the code is correct the OK indicator will flash once. If code is incorrect a short
tone will sound and the Error indicator will flash once.
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