1) Delete the MIX created by MIXDOWN (if create mix was selected)
2) Open the take browser and delete the takes created by the mixdown, these are listed
in the Mixdown take names panel on the VGA track screen global tab or the LCD Master screen.
3) Perform disk cleanup (Project screen, manage page)
Creating multiple image template backup CDs
When backing up projects, the SX-1 will use a whole CD even for the smallest project. If you have a
bunch of template projects that make up your core setup for the SX-1, you can use a PC to burn all the
backups onto one single CD for ease of management, and that CD can also have a pool of wave files
and MIDI files that you normally import from.
The directory structure on the ISO-9660 CD is fixed for the backup image, but the import files may be
anywhere on the disk.
For example:
CD-R Volume
+------ Imports
| +------ MyDrumPatterns.smf
| +------ WildApplause.wav
+------ TASCAM_Backup
+------ TemplateProject
| +------ TemplateProject.bu
+------ TemplateProject2
+------ TemplateProject2.bu