Make sure you are using Bars and Beats for your viewing units, and now use the BBT button in the
Locate section of the surface to enter 00:05:00:00 as your desired transport location. You should see
the Bars and Beats display change to 01:01:000, meaning the downbeat of Bar 1.
If you now press Rewind, you should see the display cycling backwards, displaying progressively
higher negative bar values the further you go. Fast forward past the start time and you will see the bar
numbers growing higher as you would expect.
NOTE: If the Start Time is not zero, the sequencer will not allow events to be placed before Bar 1. For
example, if the Start Time is 00:01:00:00, and the Add Program Change Edit Op was used to insert a
Program Change at 00:00:00:00, the event would automatically be placed at 00:01:00:00 instead.
The jog wheel can now be used for sample-accurate scrubbing
As an aid in editing, the ability to scrub with samples was added to the jog/shuttle wheel. The default
value is 1000 samples per pulse —
with there being 40 pulses per turn of the wheel. This value can be
adjusted on the LCD Transport Preferences page.
Sample Scrub is enabled simply by holding down the surface transport STOP button and moving the
shuttle wheel. To better see what the scrubber is doing, change the time display to samples (click on
the arrow next to the large time display on the VGA Track screen, or hold down SHIFT while pressing
the Main Display button on the slanted front panel).
Now hold STOP and move the shuttle wheel. You ll see that time is incrementing in 1000 sample steps.
The transport will quickly locate to the value you scrub to. If 1000 samples is too many at once,
navigate to the LCD Transport Preferences page:
Use the arrow keys on the keypad to highlight the Sample Scrub value, and use the Edit Param knob at
the bottom of the screen to change the value to 1x. This will make the scrub one sample per pulse,
which means that you will move 40 samples per one revolution of the shuttle wheel. This provides an
easy way to quickly position the playhead for editing.
: if the SX-1 is slaving to P2/9-pin this will not work, unless you first press HDR Solo in the
Transport Solo section. As with regular jog, this function is disabled while the SX-1 is in RECORD.
New mode for nudging the transport
In addition to their preliminary functionality, the Jump keys keys can now be used to nudge the
transport. To administer this, there is now an additional menu item on the LCD Transport Preferences
screen called MARGIN INCREMENTS.