Using Mail via LAN
The RTR-5W accesses the SMTP server and sends mail to the server.
The SMTP server delivers the mail sent from the RTR-5W according to the address to a POP server.
The POP server receives the delivered mail from the SMTP server and stores it in the appropriate mailbox for
that mail address.
Your computer accesses the POP server where the mail is stored and receives mail in the computer 's mailbox.
Please take note that when you are using a LAN to send and get warning mail, it is necessary to have set up
a SMTP server (for sending) and a POP or IMAP server (for receiving) in the network.
Sending Internet Mail
The RTR-5W, via a router or provider, accesses an SMTP server that exists on the Internet and sends mail to
the SMTP server.
The SMTP server delivers the mail sent from the RTR-5W, according to the address, to a POP server.
The POP server receives the delivered mail from the SMTP server and stores it in the appropriate mailbox for
that mail address.
Your computer accesses the POP server where the mail is stored and receives mail in the computer’s mailbox.
In order to connect to the Internet, please make the necessary router (LAN) settings.