Figure C.10. Releasing the tape drive.
After removing the defective drive, the drive mounting brackets on both sides of the drive must be
removed from the drive, since these will be used for mounting the replacement-drive. The drive
mounting brackets are fastened with two screws each.
The replacement drive comes with a front bezel, which is snapped onto the front of the drive. Remove
the front bezel and keep it for use when returning the defective drive. When fastening the drive
mounting brackets to the replacement drive, have the drive and the brackets laying on a level surface
to ensure the brackets are aligned with the bottom of the drive. Fasten the brackets with two screws
Insert the replacement drive carefully into the loader the same way it was removed, reconnect the 3
cables and re-mount the back plate.
Snap the front bezel that was removed from the replacement-drive onto the front of the defective drive.
Then pack the defective drive in the same box you received the replacement-drive and return it to your
support center.