55 StorageLoader Installation and User Manual
6.1. Using the Cleaning Cartridge
The cleaning cartridge is similar in size and shape to the regular LTO data cartridge. If your
StorageLoader has a barcode reader, put a cleaning cartridge barcode label on the cartridge before
using it.
This label has a six-digit ID, where the three first digits are “CLN”.
A cleaning occurs whenever a cleaning cartridge is loaded into the drive. Before cleaning, you must
install the cartridge into the magazine correctly. The cleaning cartridge may be inserted in any
magazine slot.
The only absolute authority on Cleaning Tapes is the drive. The drive will start a
cleaning operation whenever a tape recognized as a cleaning tape is inserted.
The Loader has no way to recognizing a cleaning tape by itself. It may be mislead
by a wrong label on a data tape, by a data tape inserted in a designated Cleaning
Slot, or by the operator.
6.1.1. Running an Installed Cleaning Cartridge
1. Install a cleaning cartridge in a magazine slot in the loader. If a Cleaning Slot is defined this
slot should be used.
2. Select Clean Drive from the Maintenance section of the Utilities menu. This will cause the
loader to search for a cleaning cartridge in the following sequence:
a. a cartridge reported to be a cleaning cartridge by the drive
b. a cartridge with a bar code label indicating that it is a cleaning cartridge
c. a cartridge in the slot defined as the cleaning slot.
NOTE: If all of the above fails, the loader will display a dialog asking the operator for the
slot to fetch the cleaning cartridge from.
3. While the cleaning operation is on going, the display shows the drive status “Drive Cleaning”.
When the operation is completed the cartridge is automatically moved back to the slot from
where it was fetched.