Audio loopback test
Routes audio from an external accessory microphone to the radio's internal speaker.
Before running this test, turn the volume down to limit interference and reduce the
impact of audio artefacts.
Display freq
Displays the transmit and receive frequencies of the current channel. Also displays
the channel status (CNV, TCH, CCH
) and the mode (ANA, PH1 or PH2
). If the
radio is scanning, this information may not be available.
Display test
Displays a test screen of all colors that appear on the screen. Useful for identifying
dead pixels.
Displays the last raw data received from the radio’s internal GPS. The radio will dis-
play all supported sentence formats received (for example $GPRMC and $GPGGA
sentences). Note that the display will not automatically refresh when new data is
Keypad test
Sounds an audible tone when a key is pressed or released on the radio, or the 16-way
and 3-way selectors are moved. The radio also displays the key or selector name
along with “pressed” or “released” or the new selector position.
QoS (P25 channels only)
Displays information about the quality of service (received signal strength (RSSI)
with an indication of digital voice quality). Also displays the channel status (CNV,
Displays the received signal strength (RSSI) of the current channel.
Rx Tone
Receives a 1011Hz or 1031Hz tone and displays the received signal strength (RSSI)
and the bit error rate (BER) of the received signal. Also displays the channel status
). On a P25 conventional channel,
the user can select whether to receive a 1011Hz (Phase 1) or 1031Hz (Phase 2) tone.
On a P25 trunked channel, the network selects whether 1011Hz or 1031Hz is used.
Site display
Shows the channel number, signal strength and system-identity code (SYSCODE)
for the currently registered trunked site.
Site measure
Lists the current trunked site (indicated with an asterisk) and up to six detected adja-
cent sites, with received signal strength (RSSI) information.
Tone test
Generates an audible tone for the duration of the test.
Tx Tone
Transmits a tone of 1011Hz or 1031Hz on the current P25 channel.
Tx Tone Cal
Transmits a 1011Hz or 1031Hz tone on the current channel with a bit error rate (BER)
of 5%.
Tx power test
Displays hardware-related information while the radio is transmitting. Information
includes the final PA current (in mA).
CNV = conventional, TCH = traffic channel, CCH = control channel
ANA = analog, PH1 = P25 Phase 1, PH2 = P25 Phase 2
Tait International Ltd December 2019