Date: 18.12.15
Manual to personal carriage decoder
WD-PW115, WD-PW 170, WD-PW-230, WD-
PW260, WD-PW290
Document: SW 3.0 / 01www.tec4trains.deSeite
24 from 42
Revolutionen im kleinen Maßstab
If CV 169 Bit 0&1 equals 1, the vehicle lighting (head light and tail light) which is connected to a
LD-1x, WD-GWx or WD-PWxxx decoder, will be controlled with the light of the locomotive. The
locomotive lighting will not be turned on on the end coupled to the train – neither the headlight
when pushing nor the tail light when pulling. The function-mapping for the corresponding outputs
(head light and tail light) will be ignored.
The controlling of a car's interior lighting will not be effected by CV 169 Bit 0&1.
If CV 169 Bit 0&1 is set to 0, each driving light can be switched on individually via the correspond-
ing function numbers of the car-decoders.
As of software-versions 2012 / 2nd quarter each output that is predefind with an automatic function
can also be used individually. In order to achieve this individual use, the bit referring to the selected
output needs to be set to 0 in CV160. Note that it is the CV of that decoder that provides the output.
The following table lists the correlations between mask and output:
logical function LD-1x
WD-GW2, WD-GW4 &
type of operati-
automatic manual
rear light yel-
low side
CV160 Bit
7 = 1
CV160 Bit
7 = 0
(Output 8)
CV160 Bit
7 = 1
CV160 Bit
7 = 0
(Output 1)
CV160 Bit
7 = 1
CV160 Bit
7 = 0
(Output 1)
rear light white
CV160 Bit
6 = 1
CV160 Bit
6 = 0
(Output 7)
CV160 Bit
6 = 1
CV160 Bit
6 = 0
(Output 2)
CV160 Bit
6 = 1
CV160 Bit
6 = 0
(Output 2)
head light yel-
low side
CV160 Bit
1 = 1
CV160 Bit
1 = 0
(Output 2)
CV160 Bit
1 = 1
CV160 Bit
1 = 0
(Output 3)
CV160 Bit
1 = 1
CV160 Bit
1 = 0
(Output 3)
head light white
CV160 Bit
0 = 1
CV160 Bit
0 = 0
(Output 1)
CV160 Bit
0 = 1
CV160 Bit
0 = 0
(Output 4)
CV160 Bit
0 = 1
CV160 Bit
0 = 0
(Output 4)
Taillights in case of a detached locomotive
A train, detached from a locomotive, should not remain unsecured on the tracks. If at least one WD-
PWxxx-decoder is connected with the tracks, this decoder powers the complete train set; even those
decoders that are not connected with the tracks themselves. In addition, the tail lights on both ends
of the train – if existent - will be lit during this operation mode.
Trigger car-functions
Similar to the uncoupling command each decoder function output can be addressed individually.
Table „car function mapping“ needs to be observed (CV 161 - 168). The following example sets