ection 1
reparing for the installation
1 Preparing for the installation
This chapter gives information about preparing for a Systemline
Modular installation, including details of the tools and equipment
1.1 Preparing for the
The starting point for this manual is
an already pre-wired home. If that
is not the case, please refer to the
Systemline Modular planning manual,
which describes in detail how to plan
an installation to fi rst fi x stage. It also
includes a description and specifi cation of
each product.
Before starting the installation, please
ensure that you refer to the wiring
schedule (or equivalent document) that
details exactly how the home has been
pre-wired. A wiring schematic, and
parts list should also be available. We
recommend that you ensure that you
have everything that you need before
commencing the installation.
In addition to the Systemline Modular
components, you will also need the
following tools and accessories:
Tools and equipment
• CAT5/CAT6 cable cutting and stripping
• Cable tester for checking CAT5 cabling for
open circuits and short-circuits.
• IDC CAT5 Katts punch-down tool type 110.
• Jigsaw or pad saw for cutting holes for
ceiling mounting speakers.
• Tools for drilling and fi xing wall mounting
• Tone generator and cable locating tool.
• Miscellaneous tools, screwdrivers etc.