SerialGate User Guide
Change Password (210MHz Model Only)
Change username and password for an access to Web and Telnet. After changing values, you need to
click ‘Submit’ button. Then you will see the same page with modified values. Please note that you have
to ‘Save & Reboot’ in order to see these changes in effect. Changes will be discarded if you do not
save current settings.
In case that a user forgot password, press Reset button for less than 3 seconds to restore the settings
back to factory default. However, please be aware that all other settings will be initialized and back to
factory default.
Default user ID
: serialgate
Default password
: 99999999
Electric Film S.R.L. — Aleea Scarisoara 3, Apt.42 ▪ Cluj Napoca, Cluj ▪ 400445 ▪
VÂNZĂRI ▪ 0364 710319 ▪ [email protected] ▪ SUPORT TEHNIC ▪ 0788 250583
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