USB 2.0 (USB20SR) Device IP Core User Guide
System Level Solutions
January 2013
1. Introduction
The USB 2.0 Device IP Core (USB20SR) is a RAM based, 32-bit Avalon
interface and ULPI interface support. The core supports both High Speed
(480 Mbps) and Full Speed (12 Mbps) functionality. The core supports three
endpoints Control, IN and OUT. Support of up to 15 endpoints can be added
inside the IP Core as per customer request. Endpoint can be used for IN or
OUT operation at a time. Support of IN and OUT operation on a single
endpoint can be added as per customer request to add support of 15 IN and 15
OUT endpoint. Each endpoint has an endpoint controller that supports
interrupt, bulk, and isochronous transfers.
The core is an RTL design in Verilog that implements an USB device
controller on an ASIC or FPGA. The core has been optimized for popular
FPGA devices and its functionality has been verified on the real hardware. It
is provided as Altera Quartus II Mega function (Altera SOPC Builder ready
component) and integrates easily into any SOPC Builder generated system
using Nios
II Avalon bus.
This user guide will provide you with some basic technical details of
USB20SR device core acting as an Avalon slave in Altera’s SOPC builder.
SOPC builder is a software tool that allows for the creation of a Nios II system
module or a more general multi master
n A
module. A complete Nios II system module contains a Nios II (soft core 32
bit RISC) processor and its associated system peripherals.
For development kits lacking USB interface, SLS has ULPI interface Snap
On Board available, along with a USB 2.0 device IP core integrated into
SOPC builder. The Snap On Board snaps on to the Altera Standard Santa
Cruz header, therefore, now your Nios development kit is with USB 2.0
interface without any extra effort. So now using SOPC builder one can build
a system with USB interface in just a few minutes.
To develop your Embedded System using USB 2.0 ULPI interface refer to
USB 2.0 On-The-Go (ULPI) Snap On Board Reference Manual.
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