USB 2.0 (USB20SR) Device IP Core User Guide
System Level Solutions
January 2013
Core Registers
CRC 16 error Mask
1: Enable interrupt generation due to CRC16 error occurred in received data packet.
0: Disable interrupt generation due to CRC16 error occurred in received data packet
Time out error Mask
1: Enable interrupt generation due to timeout error
0: Disable interrupt generation due to timeouterror
ISO out packet lose
This interrupt is only supported for isochronous out endpoint and for other endpoints. It
is reserved with value set to 0. Device sets this bit for isochronous out endpoint when-
ever any received packet lose on isochronous out endpoint.
1: Received packet is lose
0: Received packet is not lose
Setup packet receive
This interrupt is only supported for control endpoint and for other endpoints it is reserved
with value set to 0. Device sets this bit for control endpoint whenever any setup packet
request is received on control endpoint.
1: Setup packet is received
0: Setup packet is not received
PID Sequence Error
This interrupt bit is for information purpose only.
Device sets this bit whenever it receives a data packet with PID sequence error on out
endpoint. Device takes necessary action to handle this error condition.
1:Data packet is received with PID sequence error
0:Data packet is not received with PID sequence error
Buffer 1 Used
Device sets this bit whenever the IN/OUT operation gets completed on an endpoint
buffer1. For IN endpoint, device sets this interrupt bit when it transmits all data from
buffer 1 and buffer 1 is empty. For OUT endpoint, device sets this bit when it receives
short data packet or if there is no enough space to receive other max_packet_size
packet inside the buffer 1 at the end of the current packet
receive operation. It also sets
the buffer used bit of the buffer1 register of the endpoint before this interrupt is set to
1: Operation is completed on buffer 1.
0: Operation is not completed on buffer 1
: Control endpoint uses single buffer communication for IN and OUT operation.
Device sets buffer0 used bit when out operation is finished.