Instrument Operating Manual
CyFlow® Cube 8 Rev-27_2015-07-02
Sysmex Partec GmbH
Am Flugplatz 13, 02828 Görlitz, Germany · Phone +49 3581 8746-0 · Fax +49 3581 8746-70 · [email protected] ·
25 / 43
After finishing the cleaning process CyView
will be shut down automatically.
Laser sources will also be switched off.
Switch off the PC
Close Windows (Start
– Exit- Switch Computer Off)
To power off completely, use the main power switch at the back panel
Intermediate cleaning process
The Cube can be cleaned between sets of samples using cleaning solution (green
solution, Order No 04-4009) followed by a sample tube with sheath fluid. This procedures
will allow you to reduce significantly the cross contamination and reduce the background.
For this procedure, connect a sample tube with cleaning solution and clean the instrument
by clicking on the “Clean” symbol.
The instrument will perform one cleaning cycle. Repeat the procedure with a sample tube
filled with sheath fluid.
Please notice the differences between the clean-modes. If you choose the Clean-symbol
display at right lower corner, the system performs one cleaning cycle. In contrast to the
Clean-symbol display in the upper part, if this symbol will be select the complete
shutdown process will be performed.
Sheath and Waste bottle
The waste bottle content must be discarded accordingly to the relevant biohazard
A regular thorough cleaning of the sheath fluid bottle and exchange of the yellow filter will
keep the background in the measurements to a minimum level.
Sheath bottle can be cleaned with sheath fluid or hypochlorite solution 0.5%
(Order No. 04-