Instrument Operating Manual
CyFlow® Cube 8 Rev-27_2015-07-02
Sysmex Partec GmbH
Am Flugplatz 13, 02828 Görlitz, Germany · Phone +49 3581 8746-0 · Fax +49 3581 8746-70 · [email protected] ·
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Measurement parameters
The Acquisition register can be opened by clicking on the button Meas (
) Gains settings
Trigger properties (P)
Single trigger:
The trigger is the parameter defining if a signal gets recorded. Only if the trigger
parameter detects a signal, other parameters of the system will record signals. In
other words, if a trigger is set in FSC to record only bigger particles (e.g. threshold set
at 0.3871V with a gain value of 170V), e.g. only intact mammalian cells will be
acquired. Cell debris and smaller particles will be excluded as long as their FSC signal
remains below the trigger threshold.
Multiple trigger:
The option allows to use multiple trigger parameters
Instrument setting properties
sliders must be
adjusted to obtain the optimal gain (maximum signal and
minimum background). Typically, the Forward Scatter
(FSC) will be the first gain tuned to adjust the size of the
studied particles.
To move a slider, click mouse left on the slider, keep
mouse button down and move mouse left
–right or use
the scroll wheel to adjust the value.
Threshold settings (T)
The threshold allows cutting off background by setting a
lower limit of the acquired data in the trigger parameter.
This tool allows to increase the accuracy and precision of
the acquired data.