Operations and Maintenance Manual
8. Range
These scalebars show the full range of the data windows and are based in the current unit selected. Also,
if GUI Zoom is activated, two slider bars will be visible on the right scalebar. They are used to specify
the GUI zoom window boundaries. In addition, when Marker Zoom is enabled, a single slider bar will
appear and is used to specify where the water column will begin in the marker zoom window.
9. Mouse Depth Fields
These fields are where the actual echo return data appears in the StrataBox PC Software. By using the
mouse, the user may obtain a digital depth value anywhere in the water column by pointing the mouse
cursor and clicking the left mouse button. A window will appear containing the digital depth value in feet
or meters, depending on which has been selected. This window may be conveniently moved anywhere on
the screen and will remain open until it is closed. Each time the user points and clicks in a Mouse Depth
Field, this window will re-open unless it is already open.
NOTE: To fine-tune in on a depth value, the user may point, click the left mouse button,
and HOLD it down while slowly moving the mouse pointer. The digital depth
shown in the Mouse Depth display will be continuously updated until the mouse
button is released.
3.1.2 – The Menu Bar
The StrataBox PC Software has 4 menus on the menubar including
, and
. Most of
the StrataBox Software Preferences and Navigation configuration are accomplished through these menus. –
2006 SyQwest Incorporated