SNAP Connect E10 User Guide
Page 24
Chapter 4
Power and Connectivity
This chapter covers the E10’s powering options and then, beginning on
page 25
, it explores
the many available connectivity options.
The E10 gets its power from the micro-USB serial port in the lower, right-hand corner of
the wired side of the unit. Refer back to
Figure 3-3 on page 22
to see the location of this
To connect the unit to its power source, first plug the micro-USB cable (included in
shipment) into the micro-USB serial port. Then, connect the other end of the cable to either
of these two power source options:
Option A: Any available powered host
Option B: A wall-mount USB power adapter
Option A
If you choose to connect to an available host USB port for power, your computer may
prompt you for the location of driver files. The driver files are necessary for accessing the
E10 serially. (Most users prefer to have this access.)
If you only intend to use the computer as a power source (i.e., you do not need to
access the E10 serially), simply click the
button during the driver installation. The
E10 will still be able to draw power through the USB connector.
Installing the Drivers
The FTDI drivers you need in order to access the E10 serially are available from FTDI’s
website at
You will need the
drivers for the
chip. Websites often change, but at the
time of this document’s publication, the latest drivers could be found at:
Option B
If you choose Option B, you can use the power supply that comes with the E10. You may
also be able to use any available USB power supply that provides at least 500 mA, but the
E10 is only guaranteed to work with the supplied adapter.