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Architects and engineers specifications
The Broadcast Audio Delay shall be a stereo model whose output is delayed by as much as 7 1/2 seconds, thereby
allowing the operator to delete or "dump" unwanted audio The Broadcast Audio Delay shall occupy one rack space
The inputs shall be active balanced bridging designs terminated with 3-pin XLR (AES/IEC standard wiring) female
The outputs shall be active balanced designs terminated with 3-pin XLR (AES/IEC standard wiring) male jacks.
Overall frequency response shall be 20Hz to 14kHz, +1,-1dB, measured at +4dBu output. There shall be no more than
0.1% harmonic distortion measured under the following conditions: +4dBu input, +4dBm output, 7 1/2 second delay,
1000Hz test frequency.
When the unit is inoperative (either by loss of power, or via the BYPASS switch), the inputs and outputs shall be wired
The Broadcast Audio Delay shall be capable of operating by means of its own built-in power supply connected to 117V
nominal AC (105 to 130V), 50/60 Hz and 230V nominal AC (207 to 253V), 50 Hz.
The Broadcast Audio Delay shall be a Symetrix, Incorporated model 610 BROADCAST AUDIO DELAY.
Architects and engineers specifications
Inputs Stereo, balanced bridging
Outputs Stereo, electronically balanced
Maximum input level +22dBu
Maximum output level +22dbu into 600 ohms
Frequency Response
1dB, 20Hz-14kHz(in full delay)
-3.5dB@10kHz (building and exiting delay)
Dynamic Range >80dB
Crosstalk -55dB, +4dBu in, 20Hz-14kHz
Input common mode rejection >60dB @ 1kHz
Input connectors XLR
Output connectors XLR
Polarity Pin 2 high
Chassis size 1.75" H x 19" W x 7.5" D
4.45cm H x 48.3cm W x 19.1cm D
Shipping weight 8 lbs, 3.64kg
Power 117VAC, nominal, 105-130VAC, 50-60Hz
230VAC, nominal, 207-255VAC, 50Hz
Power Consumption 15 watts, maximum
In the interest of continuous product improvement, Symetrix, Inc.
reserves the right to alter, change, or modify these specifications
without prior notice.
Copyright 1995, Symetrix, Inc. All rights reserved.
Technical specifications