Symeo LPR
Product Documentation
Copyright © Symeo 2012
Page 79 of 132
For each mobile unit it is possible to specify a FusionEngine. There are
unlimited entries of Fusion Engines possible.
Enter the IP-address of the mobile unit. The Host is either an external PC where the
FusionEngine operates or the mobile unit. If the FusionEngine and Symeo MAP operate
on the same PC, enter “localhost”.
Enter the port of that mobile unit. The default port is 7777. It must be consistent with the
port entry in the file fusion.ini (chapter 7.4.1). If you change the port in the file fusion.ini
you have to upload this file to the mobile unit with the program WinSCP (7.5).
Starting FusionEngine
In the case the software Fusion Engine is running on an external PC, the software
FusionEngine must be executed. If the software FusionEngine operates on the mobile unit
skip this chapter.
Open the file FusionEnine.exe
The picture on the left is shown.
Let this window open as long you want to
make a position.