Symantec® ServiceDesk Customization Guide 7.0
AddScheduleEntry component its data, then that component makes the connection
to the calendar and creates the entry.
2. Add an AddScheduleEntry component to the appropriate model and make the
necessary connections.
3. Double-click the AddScheduleEntry component.
4. On the Inputs tab, set the Service URL Source field to Use Default. This will utilize
the source location to which the process is deployed.
5. For the Scheduled Source, select From Picker.
6. For Schedule, browse and select the appropriate schedule from the
ScheduleEditorForm list. The entry will inherit the appearance and the permissions
of the selected schedule.
7. Populate the Schedule Entry Title, Start Date, End Date, Description, Pop-Up
Description, and Item Color fields.
8. Enter a name for the output variable on the Outputs tab. This completes the
Adding & Removing E-mail Notification
There are several e-mail notifications set up throughout Incident, Change, Problem, and
Release Management, and the Knowledge Base process. You can add and remove these
as needed. There are four methods for adding notifications:
Use the Terminate and Transfer Dialog Flow component to call SD.EmailServices
Use the Merge Text and HTTP Post components to call SD.EmailServices.
Use the Send Email component within the process
Create a custom Web Service Caller component to call SD.EmailServices (this
requires an upgraded version of Symantec Workflow)
The recommended method for notifications is by calling SD.EmailServices. This way the
behavior and appearance is consistent. The link to SD.EmailServices uses variables to
provide the “Create Email URL,” process ID, workflow tracking ID, and mailto.
Recommended input parameters are: process ID, tracking ID, mailto, template, and an
autosend value.
Here is an example of a URL calling SD.EmailServices, which can populate a “Terminate
and Transfer” component:
The string above specifies the template name in SD.EmailServices, which is
“Autosend.Incident.StartChat.” If you open SD.EmailServices, and look at that model,
you will see that it contains the e-mail content for inviting a participant to chat.
Disabling a notification is as simple as disabling the component that calls
SD.EmailServices or disabling the Send Email component generating the unwanted
notification. Every component has an “Is Enabled” setting that can be disabled to cause
the component to become inactive. It is recommended to disable components rather
than remove them, in case they are wanted in the future.