PVD2000 / PVS / PVM
: 101503A
-GB 1931
A prerequisite for the finished floor to meet the quality requirements is to properly treat the fresh concrete.
During poker vibration, concrete is submitted to vibration which will force trapped air to the surface making
concrete homogeneous.
It is recommended that the slab be always poker vibrated if the thickness exceeds 100 mm or if the slab is
double reinforced. The next step is therefore to thoroughly compact concrete with a poker vibrator.
The poker size should be adapted to the density of reinforcement and concrete thickness. Care is required at
rails, forms and stop ends. Introduce the vibrator vertically in the concrete mass without moving it horizontally.
Do not transport concrete with a poker vibrator. This would increase the risk of over vibration.
Always start by leveling vibration. Make short pokes in order to level high spots. The concrete vibrator
should be introduced into the mass at regular intervals. The interval should be from approximately 8 times
the diameter of the poker. Duration of each insertion shall be inside 5-15 seconds. The time in vibrating the
different layers should not be big to avoid cold joints. Do not push or force the vibrator into the mass, it could
be stuck in the reinforcements.
Always remove the poker vertically with movements upwards and downwards so the concrete fills the empty
space again. Do not switch off until you stop the vibration completely. Se speed of removing is approximately
8 cm per second.
The time is shorter for a fluid mass; a vibration in excess can produce segregation. It is considered the concrete
to be well vibrated when the surface around the poker is shiny and compact and there is no more air bubbles,
as well a change in the noise of the vibrator is produced. Keep a distance of 7 cm minimum from any walls or
form works.
Choose the type of vibrator adequate to the dimensions of the structure to vibrate, the distance among the
reinforcement and the slump cone. It is recommendable to have an additional concrete vibrator.
Before starting, check that the concrete vibrator is in good condition and it works correctly. Use the means of
safety and protection.
Pour the concrete in the structure avoiding high heights. Try to pour leveled the concrete. The thickness of
every layer should be less than 50 cm, The recommendation is between 30 and 50 cm.
In order to vibrate slabs, the poker has to be kept oblique so that the contact superficies with mass is bigger
and the compacting effect is better.
Do not keep the concrete vibrator out of the concrete during longer periods. Stop it during
residence in the concrete vibration. The concrete slab is working as a cooler for the
vibrator tub and if this not is respected, a break down will appear inside a shorter period
with operating lost and unnecessary cost for the owner.
Follow the maintenance instructions.