TTPM2 Installation and Programming Manual
September, 99
This command sequence will now be fully explained:
Clears all previously sent definitions.
Defines a print field starting at X coordinate 150, (pixel pos. 150), Y coordi-
nate 20 (pixel pos. 20), with characters of double height and double width,
font 1. X-axis resolution is 7.52 pixels/mm (0.133 mm/pixel), Y-axis resolu-
tion is 5.7 pixels/mm (0.175 mm/pixel)
Defines a print field at X pos. 110, Y pos. 70 with standard size characters,
font 1.
Defines data to be encoded in ISO defined format on ISO track 2 (or centre
track) magnetic stripe as "123456789". Reads the encoded string, compares
with the input (read-after-write)
– For ISO encoding, start, stop and check digits, as well as synchronization ze-
roes are automatically added by the TTPM2.
Encodes and prints the document
The "!F" definitions are now stored in the printer. If another document with
the same text and layout shall be printed but with another magnetic data
string then only the following commands need be sent to the printer:
This sequence will encode a ticket with a different number on the magnetic
stripe but will produce a print picture with the same text and layout as the
previous one.
– If data shall be encoded on track 1 or 3, use the applicable command !J or !K to
precede the data. The same Encoding/Read-after-Write routine applies as for track 2 (or
centre track) encoding.
Two tracks can be encoded in the same operation.
!J <message> and !K <message> for encoding track 1 or 3 shall precede the
!M <message> and !N<message> for simultaneous encoding/read-after-write of
message data on tracks 2 and 1/3.
– X position range is 0–380 (at North orientation)
Y position range is 0–470 for 86 mm tickets (at North orientation)