Manual 18-ccTalk
Version 0.6
Page 20
Summary dispense coins example:
1. Check the hopper status by sending the TEST command:
Command : 03 00 01 A3 59
Response: 01 02 03 00 80 80 FA
The hopper is disabled and the pin code mechanism is enabled.
2. If the pin code mechanism is enabled and the pin code is not yet transmitted, transmit the pin-code.
3. Enable the hopper by sending the ENABLE command:
Command : 03 01 01 A4 A5 B2
Response: 01 00 03 00 FC
Optionally a new TEST command can be issued to verify the status of the hopper.
Next 2 steps (4 and 5) are not necessary for the ccTalk implementation when the Serial Nr is
used with the Dispense command. (dipswiich 8 OFF)
4. This step is optional: Randomize hopper security code by sending PUMP RNG command:
Command : 03 08 01 A1 5B DA AA 6F 9A 5D C5 06 43
Response: 01 00 03 00 FC
The security code in the hopper is randomized using 8 random bytes.
5. This step is optional: Request the security bytes from the hopper by sending the REQUEST
CIPHER KEY command:
Command : 03 00 01 A0 5C
Response: 01 08 03 00 B9 FE 5F AC 75 0A 7B 98 A0
The following security bytes are received from the hopper: B9 FE 5F AC 75 0A 7B 98
6. If the hopper is MC encrypted, dipswitch 8 ON, then start the payout of 3 coins by sending the
DISPENSE COINS command together with the security codes:
Command : 03 09 01 A7 63 D9 2A 95 BA D4 35 82 03 09
Response: 01 01 03 00 01 FA
The host sends the (encrypted) security code
63 D9 2A 95 BA D4 35 82
together with the
number of coins to pay (
If the hopper is ITA serial, dipswitch 8 OFF", the dispense command would look like follows:
Command : 03 04 01 A7 DF D7 0A 01 90
Response: 01 01 03 00 01 FA
The 3-byte serial nr (
DF D7 0A)
in the command string is followed by the nr of coins to pay (
The format of the serial number is explained in Request Serial Nr (header 242).
The data byte in the response is an event counter. Each time the DISPENSE COINS command is
issued, the event counter is incremented.
7. During the payout, the number of remaining coins can be checked with the REQUEST HOPPER
STATUS command:
Command : 03 00 01 A6 56
Response: 01 04 03 00 02 00 03 00 F3
From the response can be seen that 2 dispense commands have been sent, 0 coins are remaining, 3
coins have been paid and 0 coins are unpaid. Check the Hopper Status each 200ms during payout.
Once [Nr Coins Remaining] is 0, the polling may be stopped and the payout can be verified.
8. Check the hopper status by sending the TEST command:
Command : 03 00 01 A3 59
Response: 01 02 03 00 00 80 7A
From the status bytes can be seen that no payout timeout, opto blockings or coin jams have occurred.
9. Optionally the payout can be verified by checking the coins paid, coins unpaid and total dispense
counters using the REQUEST HOPPER STATUS (header 166) and REQUEST HOPPER DISPENSE
COUNT (header 168) commands.