Manual 18-ccTalk
Version 0.6
Page 17
Transmitting the Emergency Stop command during normal operation (e.g. no power down), the
hopper will stop as soon as possible in a controlled way. The hopper will stop when the next coin (not
the coin that is being paid) is ejected fully. After transmitting the Emergency Stop command, always
retreive the nrCoinsPaid and nrUnPaid counters with the Request Hopper Status command to get the
actual number of coins paid since the hopper motor stopped.
Enable Hopper (header 164)
Command : 03 01 01 A4 A5 B2
Response: 01 00 03 00 FC
Transmit the ENABLE HOPPER command with data byte 1 set to 165 (= A5 Hex) to enable payout.
The hopper can be disabled by sending the ENABLE HOPPER command with data byte 1 set to any
value other then 165. After transmitting the ENABLE HOPPER command the TEST HOPPER
command can be issued again to check if the payout is enabled.
The hopper remains enabled until the hopper is reset or is disabled by command.
Once the hopper is enabled (and not blocked by a pin code) the payout can be started.
- If the hopper is set to encrypted (dipswitch 8 ON, MC encrypted), then the DISPENSE COINS
command needs an 8-byte security code from the hopper in order to start a payout. Get the security
code from the hopper by transmitting the REQUEST CIPHER KEY command. Optionally the PUMP
RNG command may be transmitted prior to the Request Cipher Key command to randomize the
security code from the hopper even more.
- If dipswitch 8 is set to OFF (ITA serial), then the DISPENSE COINS command needs it's 3-byte
serial number sent along with the command to enable a payout.
Pump RNG (header 161)
Command : 03 08 01 A1 5B DA AA 6F 9A 5D C5 06 43
Response: 01 00 03 00 FC
The 8 bytes transmitted with the Pump RNG command are random numbers generated by the host.
These random numbers are used by the hopper to generate a random cipher code.
Request Cipher Key (header 160)
Command : 03 00 01 A0 5C
Response: 01 08 03 00 69 EE 8F 1C 25 FA AB 08 20
The Request Cipher Key returns 8 security bytes: (
69 EE 8F 1C 25 FA AB 08
Once the security key from the hopper is received, the payout can be started by transmitting the
DISPENSE HOPPER COINS command together with the (encrypted) security bytes and the number
of coins to payout.
Dispense Hopper coins (header 167)
Command : 03 09 01 A7 28 DB 6A 16 7C 92 B9 C6 03 39
Response: 01 01 03 00 02 F9
The Cipher Key from the previous command is sent encrypted (bytes:
28 DB 6A 16 7C 92 B9
), together with the dispense coin command
and the nr coins to pay
The response is a ACK message with 1 data byte: [event counter].
Each time a dispense command in transmitted without any communication errors, the event counter is
incremented. The host software can check this value if any dispense commands are missing (due to
communication errors).
If dipswitch 8 is set to OFF (ITA serial), the dispense command would look like follows:
Command : 03 04 01 A7 DF D7 0A 01 90
Response: 01 01 03 00 01 FA