Manual 18-ccTalk
Version 0.6
Page 18
The 3-byte serial nr (
DF D7 0A)
in the command string is followed by the nr of coins to pay (
The format of the serial number is explained in Request Serial Nr (header 242).
A NAK response is returned in the following situations (check with HOPPER TEST command):
- The coin exit is blocked
- The hopper is not enabled
- PIN code not transmitted
- Cipher key not requested
- Nr coins is not 1 in single coin mode
- Absolute Maximum Current Level has been exceeded.
- A Hopper Dispense command was sent when the hopper was already dispensing.
When the payout is started, all hopper status counters are updated:
- [event counter] is incremented (also when a NAK is received)
- [payout coins remaining] is set to nr coins to pay
- [coins paid] is set to 0
- [coins unpaid] is set to 0
During payout the counters are updated as follows:
- [payout coins remaining] is decremented each time a coin is paid
- [coins paid] is incremented a coin is paid
- [coins unpaid] is set to 0
After the payout operation has stopped normally or abnormally, the counters are updated as follows:
- [coins unpaid] is set to [payout coins remaining], except if a Emergency stop occurred due to power
being lost. In this case coins unpaid is set to 0, and the host machine should store the number of coins
still unpaid (which is returned by the Emergency stop command).
- [payout coins remaining] is set to 0.
This counter should always be checked during the coin dispensing. If it reached 0, the host
software should check if the payment is completed or aborted by checking the coins paid and
coins unpaid counters.
If a power reset occurred during a payout, all counters are saved in EEProm. These values can be
used to finish the pending payout if the power is back again.
During a payout, the coin counters can be retrieved using the REQUEST HOPPER STATUS
command. It is recommended to poll the hopper status each 100 ms during payout. Any display of the
counter values can be monitored real-time.
If the host receives no reply to the REQUEST HOPPER STATUS command, it will be retransmitted
50ms later again.
Request Hopper Status (header 166)
Command : 03 00 01 A6 56
Response: 01 04 03 00 02 00 00 03 F3
The 4 bytes in the response
(02 00 00 03)
have the following meaning:
[event counter] [payout coins remaining] [last payout: coins paid] [last payout: coins unpaid]
In our example 2 dispense commands have been issued, 0 coins are remaining, 0 coins are paid and
3 coins are unpaid. When the event counter is 255, the next payment command sets the counter to 1.
After a reset, the 4 bytes is reset to 0
A final step in the payout procedure is:
Verify payout
After the dispensing of coins, the TEST command should be issued to verify if no abnormal situations
have occurred. (opto blocks, jams, etc). The REQUEST HOPPER STATUS and REQUEST HOPPER
DISPENSE COUNT commands should be issued to check if all coins have been dispensed properly.
- Check the dispense event counter to check if the dispense command is received.
- Check if any errors occurred during the payout with the hopper test command.