Manual 18-ccTalk
Version 0.6
Page 13
Request build code (header 192)
Command : 03 00 01 C0 3C
Response: 01 06 03 00 50 61 79 6F 75 74 74
The data bytes in the response
(50 61 79 6F 75 74)
There is only one option on the Flow hopper: this is the device assembly code.
Request address mode (header 169)
Command : 03 00 01 A9 53
Response: 01 01 03 00 4A B1
This command is used to determine how the hopper address is handled. See next table.
Bit nr
Address is stored in ROM
Address is stored in RAM
Address is stored in EEProm or battery-backed RAM
Address selection via interface connector
Address selection via PCB links
Address selection via switch
Address may be changed with serial commands (volatile)
Address may be changed with serial commands (non-volatile)
Table 4: Address mode
In our example 4A is returned, meaning that the address in stored in RAM, with a selection via the
interface connector and the address may be changed with serial commands.
Enter PIN number (header 218)
Command : 03 04 01 DA 31 32 33 34 54
Response: 01 00 03 00 FC
The 4 bytes
(31 32 33 34)
transmitted along with the command are the PIN numbers.
Here PIN number
is transmitted. Correct pin codes are immediately acked.
Wrong pin codes are delayed (235 ms) acked, causing a receive timeout at the host.
If the pin mechanism is active (different to 0), all commands implemented in the Flow hopper, except
the header 253 “Address Poll” are protected. If the PIN number is activated and the command doesn’t
have the correct PIN, there will be no answer from the Flow hopper. It must be sent after every “power
off” and “reset”. A factory fresh hopper will have the pin code mechanism disabled (check with Test
Hopper command). To activate the PIN mechanism, send an ENTER NEW PIN CODE command:
Enter New PIN number (header 219)
Command : 03 04 01 DB 31 32 33 34 53
Response: 01 00 03 00 FC
The 4 bytes
(31 32 33 34)
transmitted along with the command are the new PIN numbers.
In our example
is entered.
To save the PIN code you can for example scramble it and store it in Block 0 of the EEProm.
Modifying the PIN number to 0, will deactivate the protection with PIN numbers.