M1, C1, MC1, CC1
Perform a differential voltage measurement on channel AN2 with respect to channel AN3. +2.5V, but the
voltage on both AN2 and AN3 must be between 0 and 5V.
M2, C2, MC2, CC2
Measure ratio of AN1 voltage to Vref. ( AN1 / Vref)
M3, C3, MC3, CC3
Measure Frequency on channel DIN on a time-scale of 1 second.
M4, C4, MC4, CC4
Perform a differential voltage measurement on channel AN1 with respect to channel AN4. +2.5V, but the
voltage on both AN1 and AN4 must be between 0 and 5V.
M5, C5, MC5, CC5
Measure ratio of AN2 voltage to Vref
M6, C6, MC6, CC6
Measure Voltage on channel AN4. Turn On SW-12volts 100milli-seconds before measurement
M7, C7, MC7, CC7
Measure Voltage on channel AN4. Turn On SW-5volts 100milli-seconds before measurement
M8, C8, MC8, CC8
Measure Period of a signal on channel DIN with maximum Period of three seconds
M9, C9, MC9, CC9
Measure logic level of channel AN4. A low returns 0, and a high returns 1.