Bringing the Benefits of Real-Time Data Collection to the World
Sutron Corporation, Tel: 703-406-2800
Hint: If you do not know the address of a particular SDI-12 AnalogPlus module, use the unknown
address command to have the SDI-12 AnalogPlus module identify itself. There are 3 forms of the
unknown address command:
NOTE: In order for the unknown address command to work, there should be only be one SDI-12
module connected.
The SDI-12 command for setting the SDI-12 AnalogPlus module's address is
Where 0 is the current address of the device, n is the new SDI-12 address (0 to 9,
A to Z, a to z).
The SDI-12 AnalogPlus module will issue a Acknowledge Active response to verify the address set.
If you do not get this message, try the command again
NOTE: The SDI-12 AnalogPlus module will not respond if the command is invalid.
As an example, the following command would set the SDI-12 AnalogPlus module address to 5:
Subsequently, the address can be set to a different address, 9 for example, by the command:
Verifying the Address and Operation
The SDI-12 AnalogPlus module will respond with an identifying message when it receives the
command, I. The format of the command is:
Where a is the address for the SDI-12 AnalogPlus module.
The SDI-12 AnalogPlus module will reply with
a13 SUTRON mmmmmm1.0sssssssSvvv , where
SDI-12 address
supports SDI version 1.3 commands
manufacturer SUTRON
model number – will return 1248-1 portion of 6661-1248-1 model number
hardware revision level
reserved space
the software revision
If you do not get a reply, check the address using ?! or *! with no other SDI-12 device connected and
make sure you use the proper address for the sensor.