SureCall Fusion Professional 2.0 | Booster testing and optimization
1-888-365-6283 | [email protected] |
Check for sources of interference such as cellular modems or hotspots.
Verify neither antenna is placed near a window.
Ensure that the antennas are aimed away from one another.
Mount the outside antenna at the corner or side of the roof which faces your cell tower.
Avoid placing / aiming the antenna towards materials (such as windows) where the signal may be reflected towards
your home or office.
Keep in mind, identifying the setup that yields the best possible results for your environment will come from testing --
balancing the elimination of interference and while also receiving the best possible signal.
Antenna testing
As a final step, identify the precise antenna angle which provides the maximum possible performance. For this step, it’s
best to have another person inside to report results. Record your results below.
Rotate the outside antenna around the mast beginning with wide angle measurements then in progressively smaller
increments until the peak angle is found. After each turn, power cycle the booster then note the signal reading from the
inside antenna’s projected area.
Once you’ve identified the optimum angle, secure the outside antenna in place.
Band # AFTER,
Test 1
Band # Test 2
Band # Test 3
Band #
Example testing plan