SuperFlow Technologies Group 2-11
2.4.3 Cooling Fan Motor
The optional cooling fan motor is attached to the end of the AC motor on the dynamometer. The
motor will generally have it’s own motor controller which can be programmed to run
independently or triggered from the primary drive. This procedure assumes the cooling motor
will be set to run whenever the primary motor is on.
1. Connect the power cables for the motor controller to an appropriate source. The motors are
usually 240V, single phase so power can be “tapped” off two legs of the 3-phase power to the
primary controller as shown below or power can be from an independent source. Ensure a
common ground between the two motor controllers.
2. Using the operator’s manual for the motor drive, program as follows:
• Set for remote or external trigger.
• Set motor drive frequency or run speed to 40% (this reduces the noise from the motor but
still provides adequate cooling).
• Set the mode of operation as an exhaust fan (if applicable).
• Set to run for a minimum of 30 seconds after the remote signal is turned off.
3. Connect a cable to the remote control input on the cooling fan motor drive. The other end of
the cable is covered in the next section.